Nix wrote:
> > there are special cases where you don't have to hash to know
> > that units can be coalesced. Copying (ln --cow-link or something) is one
> > example.
> If it has to be done manually, IMNSHO it is nearly useless. The whole
> point of this is that redundancy that you *didn't know was redundant*
> can be eliminated. (If you want redundancy for safety, FS replication
> and/or RAID are the way to go; not accident.)
ln --cow-link would be extremely useful actually. For us developers
> Yeah, basically. Only the compression algorithm is designed on-the-fly
> for that data set.
> (The maths nutter --- not I --- whose idea most of this was is still
> working on it.)
Sounds like you're working on something similar to me. Better keep it
mysterious :-)
-- Jamie
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