On Sun, 5 Mar 2000, Rik van Riel wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Mar 2000, Jamie Lokier wrote:
> Obviously DSM works for some situations and horribly breaks
> in others. What about sticking non-intrusive DSM code in the
> kernel and attach a BIG FAT WARNING to it?
Shoot, you don't even need it in the kernel. That will make a bunch
of folks even happier.
Here's a warning.
"WARNING. This is DSM support code.
1) If you don't like it, for religious or other reasons, don't use it.
2) If you like it, but it doesn't work well for your particular
application, don't use it.
3) If you like it, and it works well for your application, use it but
don't tell anyone on linux-kernel because a bunch of them will
yell at you and tell you it doesn't work."
> There are no magic bullets, so shooting down DSM because it
> isn't a magic bullet seems a bit strange to me...
well, strange, but hardly unusual for this type of forum :-)
We need a new bumper sticker:
"I'm sorry, my dogma ran over your karma"
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