On Tue, 7 Mar 2000, Keith Owens wrote:
> On 06 Mar 2000 14:08:23 -0500,
> nbecker@fred.net wrote:
> >2.3.49 i686
> >
> >ps shows 90+% cpu used by:
> >
> >root 1590 99.7 0.1 1068 304 ? R 12:20 82:42 /sbin/rmmod -as
> >
> >kill -KILL will not kill it!
> >
> >/sbin/lsmod says:
> >Module Size Used by
> >lsmod: QM_INFO: No such file or directory
> >
> >
> >But: cat /proc/modules says:
> >scsi_mod 73276 0 (deleted)
> >vmnet 18080 1
> >vmmon 18660 0 (unused)
> >autofs4 11388 3 (autoclean)
> >nfsd 164920 8 (autoclean)
> >lockd 48828 1 (autoclean) [nfsd]
> >sunrpc 58116 1 (autoclean) [nfsd lockd]
> It is probably not rmmod that is at fault. When a module is being
> deleted, rmmod calls sys_delete_module which invokes the module's
> cleanup_module routine. I suspect that the scsi_mod cleanup_module is
> looping. Because the code is looping in the kernel, kill has no
> effect.
> But you have vmware loaded and we have no way of telling what that code
> does, the main vmware code is binary only. It is quite possible that
> vmware is causing this problem. If you can reproduce without loading
> any binary only modules, repost the problem.
It's not only rmmod which is broken. "depmod -a" under 2.3.49 creates the
empty modules.dep and then modprobe refuses to load any modules...
Sergey Kubushin aka the Tamer < > The impossible we do immediately.
e-mail: ksi@ksi-linux.com SK320-RIPE < > Miracles require 24-hour notice.
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