Den 07-Mar-00 17:33:11 skrev Tim Coleman fĝlgende om "Re: drivers/net/ cleanup (Was: 2.3.4[89] fail to probe/id IDE properly (long))":
> Right. I did include that in the diff. When a card was supported
> under more than one bus, I included it under both, with the comment
> changed slightly to say the bus type if appropriate.
> The only issue I see is that one might be confused to see the same card
> in two different places when building a kernel. But the alternative
> to this is to allow the selection of a particular card in one place
> by putting in a check to see if that card is only selected, which would
> cause confusion if you had the same card on two different busses
> (a close-to-zero chance, but you never know). Maybe a comment would
> suffice in that instance.
Around halfway through that you lost me - probably my fault.
With the patch you suggested, the file would, looking at just
the de4x5 driver, look like
bool ' Other EISA cards' CONFIG_NET_EISA
if [ "$CONFIG_NET_EISA" = "y" ]; then
tristate ' Generic DECchip & DIGITAL EtherWORKS EISA' CONFIG_DE4X5
if [ "$CONFIG_PCI" = "y" ]; then
bool ' Other PCI cards' CONFIG_NET_PCI
if [ "$CONFIG_NET_PCI" = "y" ]; then
tristate ' Generic DECchip & DIGITAL EtherWORKS PCI' CONFIG_DE4X5
which means that a user who enables both EISA and PCI cards will see two
selections for the same driver. I think something like is better:
bool ' EISA card support' CONFIG_NET_EISA
if [ "$CONFIG_PCI" = "y" ]; then
bool ' PCI card support' CONFIG_NET_PCI
if [ "$CONFIG_NET_EISA" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_NET_PCI" = "y" ]; then
tristate ' Generic DECchip & DIGITAL EtherWORKS PCI/EISA' CONFIG_DE4X5
Then the user sees just the drivers that support the selected busses,
and the drivers won't show up multiple times if they happen to support more
than one of the selected busses. This conversion is probably more work than
what you suggested, although perhaps maintenancewise it is better?
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