On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 06:07:11PM +0100, Rask Ingemann Lambertsen wrote:
> Den 07-Mar-00 17:33:11 skrev Tim Coleman følgende om "Re: drivers/net/Config.in cleanup (Was: 2.3.4[89] fail to probe/id IDE properly (long))":
> > Right. I did include that in the diff. When a card was supported
> > under more than one bus, I included it under both, with the comment
> > changed slightly to say the bus type if appropriate.
> > The only issue I see is that one might be confused to see the same card
> > in two different places when building a kernel. But the alternative
> > to this is to allow the selection of a particular card in one place
> > by putting in a check to see if that card is only selected, which would
> > cause confusion if you had the same card on two different busses
> > (a close-to-zero chance, but you never know). Maybe a comment would
> > suffice in that instance.
> Around halfway through that you lost me - probably my fault.
My mind was running in circles when I wrote that. I need more coffee.
Forgive me.
As well, I wasn't aware that you could not define the same CONFIG_
option twice. I have now been told as much. :)
Since the (suggested) problem has to do with CONFIG_PCI, those
cards which explicitly require PCI can have 'if [ "$CONFIG_PCI" = "y" ]'
wrapped around them, and the others can be left as is.
I sent another mail to that effect on the list early this afternoon.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ tim@beastor.mine.nu Software Developer/Systems Administrator/RDBMS Specialist/Linux Advocate University of Waterloo Honours Co-op Combinatorics & Optimization finger tim@beastor.mine.nu for PGP public key ID 0xCB7C7974
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