On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 12:00:38PM +1000, Neil Brown wrote:
> In short, I can see no reason why the "new" kernel code would not work
> with the "old" user level code at least as well (and in some cases
> better than) the "old" kernel code worked with the old tools.
> If that is not the case, then the "new" kernel code needs to be
> fixed. Are there any known failure scenarios?
I'm not sure about the following (should be easy to verify with
a clean installation of major distributions):
- Startup scripts, particularly for lockd.
- Properties of new knfsd. Might be a non-issue when knfsd is
always the default. Think of:
- knfsd cannot handle exported subdirs with different permissions
such as "rw" versus "ro" (I believe) unless they are different
[local] mounts on the server.
- when exporting a locally mounted cdrom it is no longer
possible to umount the cdrom until "exportfs -r" is issued
once it has been mounted over NFS. knfsd keeps it busy.
- [no]hide and other export options?
Maybe this has all been resolved or is a non-issue for other reasons (I
_really_ want the merge with 2.2.x) but just in case... my .1 cent.
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