Floppy I/O error reading disk on Intel PC made on Alpha

From: Stephen Torri (s.torri@lancaster.ac.uk)
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 19:20:13 EST

Kernel 2.2.14-6.0
Motherboard: PC164SX
Floppy Drive: TEAC

Input/output error reading disk made from Alpha on Intel PC.

Alpha floppy drive can make disks and read both the disks it made and
those from the Intel floppy drive. The Intel floppy drive can make disks
but only read the disks it made.

The problem lies on the Alpha because the bios says that the floppy drive
is a 1.44MB while the kernel reports it as 2.88MB.

I am strongly beginning to feel that this motherboard has a few bugs
(scared to look too deep).

I know you probably want more information so post your questions with
tests back to me.


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