I've compiled and configured kernel 2.4.0-test7 on my Red Hat 6.2 system
(K6-II/300, matrox g200 video card). Upon bootup, I get these strange
errors [attached]. I get the same errors when I issue 'lsmod ide-scsi'
or 'lsmod agpgart'. I disabled module versioning and re-compiled, but I
still get the same errors. A copy of my kernel compilation config file is
also attached.
Several more things I noticed:
1. Kernel boots in VGA-text mode. How do I disable this w/o recompiling
the kernel? Besides, the picture of the penguin in the upper-left
and corner is using the wrong colors (outdated png libs?)
2. I can't connect to anywhere on xchat. That's really strange, no?
All I get are Error-22's.
3. (a bit OT) Does anyone have the correct clock settings under
SVGATextMode for a matrox g200? All I see is millenium or mystique.
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