Re: Kernel bits

From: Matti Aarnio (
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 05:09:16 EST

On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 10:46:35AM +0100, 64738 wrote:
> uname -m tells me the hardware type of the machine. Is this determined while
> booting or is this the architecture I choose during 'make config'?

        Mainly chosen during "make config".
        Processor info you see at /proc/cpuinfo

> Can't I run a i386 kernel on a ia64 machine? I know something like this
> from HP-UX. You can choose between a 32 and a 64 bit kernel when
> installing, so knowing that you have a 64 bit capable machine does not
> say that you have a 64 bit kernel.
> And I want to have the kernel bits, not the processor bits.

        Solaris runs 32-bit kernels on 64-bit UltraSPARCs
        (up to Solaris version 2.6)

        So yes, something like that MAY be possible in case
        of ia64, but somehow I doubt...

/Matti Aarnio
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