/proc/partitions for LVM

From: Brian Kress (kressb@fsc-usa.com)
Date: Wed Nov 22 2000 - 16:05:39 EST

        Question about /proc/partitions and LVM. LVM devices in
/proc/partitions currently show up as lvma, lvmb, etc, depending on
their device number. This breaks things like mount by filesystem
name. Back when LVM existed as a patch, I believe there was some
support in fs/partitions/check.c for showing the proper name for
the device (something like <vgname>/<lvname>).
        Are their any plans for something like this to be added
or is their a reason it was taken out?

        BTW, 2.4.0-test11 is the first "perfect" kernel for me. It
finally has everything I use working correctly. (well, with a
small raid5 patch, anyway).

Brian Kress
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