On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 03:21:17PM -0700, Dr. Kelsey Hudson wrote:
> Um... Looks like when you clock the BX-chipset out of spec (>100MHz FSB)
> you get the error. Since BX wasn't ever designed to be run at >100MHz
> these errors are *expected*.
No, the APIC errors also occur at exactly 100MHz.
Unfortunately, my MoBo does not offer 95MHz, so I'm running 75MHz now :-(
Reading APIC specs and errata now.
The funny thing is that the errors occur on the APIC bus, which runs
independently @ 33MHz, no matter if the FSB is 66 or 100 MHz, if I
understand the docs well. Maybe some timing stuff at the local APICs ...
-- Kurt Garloff <garloff@suse.de> Eindhoven, NL GPG key: See mail header, key servers Linux kernel development SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, FRG SCSI, Security
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