Re: ANNOUNCE New Open Source X server

From: Scott Prader (
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 20:56:03 EST

* Miles Lane ( uttered:
> Take a chill pill, dude.

i am quite calm. :)

> Dave's questions are perfectly valid. Obviously, if a bunch of
> kick-butt programmers want to go off a create a "from-scratch"
> X11 implementation, please go right ahead! If it turns out to
> be great (have rock-solid support for legacy apps, have screaming
> fast accellerated graphics drivers for all major hardware, support
> anti-aliased fonts, alpha-blending and so on in a way that is
> compatible with XFree86 APIs) then, sure, I'll switch over to the
> new X Server. Of course, in the seven years that this project
> will take, XFree86 will have evolved quite a bit.

So you're saying, that unless it _already_ has screaming support from
commercial hardware vendors, then everyone should just support one and
ONLY one type of X server? There are a lot of other X server projects
out there and different people go about developing them in different
ways. This whole holier-than-thou attitude about XFree86 that I'm
getting from you and David (not the rest of the XFree86 community, I
know there are bigots out there, but not everyone's a bigot) in general
tends to say to me "hm, these guys really DO have their heads stuck up
their anal cavities! amazing! and now they're trying to say that WE'RE
wrong in our own ways??" it's quite a riot, and i've enjoyed a good
chuckle - but don't get me wrong, i'm not mad at your or David
personally, however the attitudes that you appear to employ seem to
denote a dull sensitivity level around the area of delusionment of
grandeur. While you may sit there and rebute such claims, your
rebutement would only be further proof of where I am coming from and
thus we understand each other quite perfectly... of course if that is
not the case and someone is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to
make such claims, then please, feel free to express your true feelings,
otherwise, what I have pointed out will be true.

> I suppose the new X Server could jettison support for legacy
> apps and only support applications written with the latest RAD
> toolkits. There might be some value there. This might also
> allow the new server to stabilize sooner.

the 'latest RAD toolkits' now THERE'S something decent worth quoting, I
hope you won't mind me doing so. :) So, going back to the above, and
again, let me know if i'm wrong here, you're saying that in order to
support a decent X server project, there NEEDS to be 'RAD toolkits',
they can't be mediocre, less memory hungry, etc.. they have to be "RAD",
which is quite a vague term. Perhaps you could elaborate on this,
perferably in private email seeing as how the scope of this topic is
really not fit for this mailing list.

But SERIOUSLY here folks, please take a good look at yourselves for a
second before bothering to take this thread any longer and consider what
I have stated here, is it really worth bashing someone who's just trying
to help out the community as a whole with new ideas that just don't fit
into your paradigm? Obviously anyone that's going out of their way to
design a new type of X server from the ground up has to have SOME sort
of understanding of various X servers out there, including (but not
limited to) Xfree86, actually KNOWS the design structure, KNOWS where
it's heading, and has decided that they'd like to do something
different, new, from scratch, to go in another direction. I think Linus
himself did this back in 1991, obviously not with X, but you get the
idea I think. If not, then don't bother answering cuz it'll just be a
waste of bandwidth (not to say that this particular email isn't, but
once in awhile, it needs to be done. and now it is.)

    .oO Gnea [gnea at rochester dot rr dot com] Oo.
         .oO url: Oo.

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