Hehe, hey, its not MY routers/sites that are broken. Look at it this way ...
Microsoft must have figured out that there were some broken nets out there
and that setting a default TTL of 128 made their stuff work. I also noticed
that setting my TTL to 128 made my stuff work. I am not in any kind of
crusade to make people do "the right thing". I am simply trying to make my
site work with the maximum number of possible clients.
I really do not care WHY it works, all I care is that it DOES work. I am not
the least bit interested given the current economy of things to try to bully
people into doing what is right. I am more interested in operating with the
client population that is out there without having to make them change
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David S. Miller [mailto:davem@redhat.com]
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 4:31 AM
> To: George Bonser
> Cc: linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org
> Subject: RE: [PATCH] Linux default IP ttl
> George Bonser writes:
> > But I thought I would "share the wealth" with other admins out
> there and
> > have that the kernel default.
> How about "sharing the wealth" with the broken sites/routers insteaad?
> Later,
> David S. Miller
> davem@redhat.com
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