(Alan Cox) wrote on 14.07.01 in <>:
> > is the key. "Ronald F. Guilmette"
> > <> sent this message to spam lists. Anybody still using
> > ORBS for lookups can expect to get random mail bounces.
> Yeah he's decided to solve his load problem by committing an act of criminal
> fraud, computer misuse and a few other violations
What are you smoking?
The DNS requests are happening against his express wishes, so if anything,
the *requests* are computer misuse. Alan's NS entries pointing people
there definitely are.
It's not Ronald who's telling people his server is authoritative; in fact,
he's doing just the opposite, loudly.
> > Because of the way Alan disabled the former ORBS list zones, my name
> > server is now shouldering (at least) 1/11th of the total world-wide
> [I think he means the way the courts did..]
I don't. He's talking about technical changes, not about legal reasons.
> And guess what, as soon as ORBS got beaten off the net MAPS starts talking
> about charging for their service, just like they promised they never would
How about starting a true free project, with charter and/or licensing that
makes it impossible to go non-free? Something that's controlled by more
than one person, and which is explicit about what exactly the rules are,
and which part of those rules are responsible for particular entry.
MfG Kai
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