Re: logging to NFS-mounted files seems to cause hangs when NFS dies

From: Peter W�chtler (
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 16:01:22 EST

Christopher Friesen schrieb:
> I'm working on an embedded platform and we seem to be having a problem with
> syslog and logging to NFS-mounted files.
> We have syslog logging to NFS and also logging to a server on another machine.
> The desired behaviour is that if the NFS server or the net connection conks out,
> the logs are silently dropped. (Critical logs are also logged in memory that
> isn't wiped out on reboot.)
> Currently, /var/log is mounted with the following options:
> rw,rsize=4096,wsize=4096,timeo=7,retrans=3,bg,soft,intr
> We started off with hard mounts due to the warnings about soft mounts, but that
> led to boxes totally hanging when the network connections were pulled or the NFS
> server was taken down. In this scenario we are even unable to login as root at
> the console. This forced us to go to soft mounts in an attempt to fix this
> behaviour.
> The problem we are seeing is that if we lose the network connection or the NFS
> mount (which immediately causes an attempt to log the problem), it seems that
> syslog gets stuck in NFS code in the kernel and other stuff can be delayed for a
> substantial amount of time (many tens of seconds). Just for kicks we tried
> logging to ramdisk, and everything works beautifully.
> Now I'm a bit unclear as to why other processes are being delayed--does anyone
> have any ideas? My current theories are that either the nfs client code has a
> bug, or syslog() calls are somehow blocking if syslogd can't write the file
> out. I've just started looking at the syslog code, but its pretty rough going
> as there are very few comments.
> Help? We're running a customized 2.2.17 kernel and syslog 1.4.1.

I can recommend syslogd's ability to log to remote syslogd via


*.info |host.or.ip

The remote site has to run syslogd with "syslogd -r".
Since it uses UDP there is no blocking.
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