Re: [PATCH] Balanced Multi Queue Scheduler ...

From: Stephan von Krawczynski (
Date: Sat Dec 29 2001 - 18:38:12 EST

> On Sat, 29 Dec 2001, Dieter [iso-8859-15] N�tzel wrote:
> The new patch need ver >= 2.5.2-pre3 because Linus merged the Time
> Split Scheduler and making it to apply to 2.4.x could be a pain in
the b*tt.
> Yes, as i expected numbers on big SMP are very good but still i
> think that this can help you with your problem.
Just a short note on that:
Before the scheduler stuff really got rolling there was a pretty
distinct discussion why L didn't quite get involved in the thread. I
may remind you that he thought it to be not a _that_ interesting stuff
and I well remember he said something about the smallness and the low
possibility that it gets broken by (well-thought-out) patches. This
leads me to believe he has no major issues with enhancements to 2.4
Well, me neither :-)
In fact we should keep in mind that 2.5 is a _development_ kernel and
a next stable branch is out-of-sight at this time. So it would be
quite reasonable to do a "backport" to 2.4 of the scheduler, because
SMP systems do get more in size and number today and the near future.
And we should not expect the not-LKML world to use _development_
kernels on their cool-nu-SMP-box (tm), because this can only be bad
for ongoing comparisons with other OSs. Well, you know what I mean.
In fact I can see two major steps to take for marcelo's maintenance
(besides the bugfixes of course):
1) the SMP-scheduling (its all yours, Davide :-)
2) the HIGHMEM problems (a warm welcome to Andrea :-)
We cannot deny the fact that people expect the scalability of the
system, and just to give you a small hint, I personally already
stopped buying UP machines. There is no real big difference in prices
between UP and 2-SMP these days, and RAM is unbelievably cheap in this
decade - and it makes your seti-statistics fly ;-)
So these issues will be very much in the mainstream of all users. No
way to deny this.
I have no fear: this is a reachable goal, let's just take it.
PS: Yes, Alan, I read your mail about the 32GB box and DMA and stuff,
but nevertheless we should keep up with the market-ongoings (damn
cheap 1GB modules).
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