Re: [PATCH] 2.5.14 IDE 56

From: Kai Henningsen (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 01:57:00 EST (Linus Torvalds) wrote on 07.05.02 in <>:

> If you have /dev/hda1, that _cannot_ be a symlink to the physical tree,
> because on a physical level that partition DOES NOT EXIST. It's purely a
> virtual mapping.

Well ... one *could* argue that there's justification for showing those
partitions by the exact same argument that there's reason to show devices
on a SCSI or USB bus. It's just going further down the tree.

Say something like


Sure, it's software, not hardware. OTOH, it's one of the things that
change with hotplug. (And incidentally, fdisk changing partitions *might*
be handled somewhat like a hotplug event ...)

As to linking to /dev, I see no reason why you couldn't have that tree
include information (not in the tree *structure*, obviously) of what the
relevant device numbers are. That's more expensive than a lookup with a
pointer gotten from /dev, but it's certainly possible.

MfG Kai
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