[PATCH][RFC] Driverfs support for SCSI devices

From: sullivan (sullivan@austin.ibm.com)
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 16:18:59 EST

The following patch for linux-2.5.22 provides support in driverfs for scsi devices including st, sr, sg, sd (and partitions). For the most part the implementation follows the architecture set by Patrick Mochel for the PCI device tree. The primary difference is an attempt to use info obtained from the Scsi Inquiry pages to create the content of the driverfs "name" file for each Scsi device. This code can be found in the scsi_scan.c portion of the patch. The goal of this extra code is to provide a name that can uniquely identify a device independant of it's topology or discovery order.

The patch is also available at http://www-124.ibm.com/devreg/linux-2.5.22-driverfs.patch.gz

I would welcome any feedback or comments. Please copy me directly on your replies...

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