Re: 2.4 O(1) scheduler

From: anton wilson (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2002 - 15:17:56 EST

On Friday 19 July 2002 03:54 pm, J Sloan wrote:
> Use 2.4-aa, 2.4-ac or 2.4-redhat kernel
> and you get the O(1) secheduler at
> no extra cost -

> Joe

I'm actually worried not about just the O(1) scheduler but if these patches
will be incorporating the O(1) bug fixes such as the serious one in
balance_load where curr->next was used instead of current->prev. Also, I need
to use a patch that won't tamper with the usb implementation because I'd have
to update our current usb driver to fit into the new system, and I'm getting
flack about wasting time trying to update that thing already . . . So if you
tell me no, I can go tell my boss I have to update the usb driver.

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