Re: Large block device patch, part 1 of 9

From: Neil Brown (
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 18:06:47 EST

On Tuesday September 3, wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Sep 2002, Neil Brown wrote:
> >
> > Effectively, this is a type-safe cast. You still get the warning, but
> > it looks more like the C that we are used to.
> I wonder if the right answer isn't to just make things like "__u64" be
> "long long" even on 64-bit architectures (at least those on which it is 64
> bit, of course. I _think_ that's true of all of them). And then just use
> "llu" for it all.

The thing is that the patch in question wants to print a "sector_t",
not a "__u64".
sector_t can be u32 (on 32 bit machines that don't need big devices
and don't want the performance hit) or can be u64 (elsewhere).

And isn't saying "long long is 64bits" just as bad as all the
pre-alpha code that thought "long" was 32 bits, or the PDP code that
knew that "int" was 16 bits?

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