On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 05:42, Alan Cox wrote:
> On Mer, 2003-04-16 at 01:45, Florin Iucha wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 03:43:55PM -0700, Andrew Morton wrote:
> > > florin@iucha.net (Florin Iucha) wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I think it has to do with the interaction between XFree86 4.3.0 and
> > > > the AGP code.
> > >
> > > Has anyone tried disabling kernel AGP support and retesting?
> >
> > Now that you suggested it, I disabled kernel AGP support and 4.3.0
> > (Daniel Stone Debian packages) works fine so far.
> Disablign AGP turned off 3D. There is a problem in a lot of the current
> DRI drivers where shared IRQs break as sometimes do restarts because
> the IRQ is not masked properly in the DRI module on close down. Its
> certainly true in the -ac tree (Radeon patch pending, someone apparently
> has other patches I need to chase).
> Alan
I tried 2.5.67-ac1 with AGP and no CONFIG_DRM, with Intel 82810E DC-133
CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]. With that configuration, I saw the
freeze once (not easily repeatable) on _starting_ the X server (init 5)
after a successful termination of the X server with /sbin/init 3. The
freeze is 100% repeatable when selecting "Log Out" from KDE or Gnome
after X was started with /sbin/init 5. If X is started with "startx",
"Log Out" always successfully terminates the X server with no freeze.
This is with RedHat 9.
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