Re: XFS for 2.4

From: Jeffrey E. Hundstad
Date: Mon Dec 01 2003 - 17:04:21 EST

I'd like to add my vote also. I've been using XFS for years. The XFS patches work well. But having them in the standard kernel would be very nice.

jeffrey hundstad

Bryan Whitehead wrote:

I'd like to "third" this request. Have a large amount of data here on XFS with v2.4 kernel.

Would be nice to be able to use pre-release 2.4 for testing without having to manually hack in XFS paches from SGI for the odd reject...

Dan Yocum wrote:


We (Fermilab) second this request. We won't be touching 2.6 until it's really stable (read as, Red Hat comes out with an official distro that has it built in), and we already have *a lot* of XFS filesystems here (~>300TB) running on 2.4 kernels. It would be very, very nice to have it in the 2.4 tree without having to pull it from SGI.


Nathan Scott wrote:

Hi Marcelo,

Please do a

bk pull

This will merge the core 2.4 kernel changes required for supporting
the XFS filesystem, as listed below. If this all looks acceptable,
then please also pull the filesystem-specific code (fs/xfs/*)

bk pull


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