Re: linux kernel scheduler
From: Blake Caldwell
Date: Wed Dec 24 2003 - 14:40:52 EST
is it this one? I'm looking for such a book that covers the 2.6 kernel
- blake
Pacheco Jason NPRI wrote:
>>Is there any document or book where I can
>>find this kind of information ?
> I recently purchased "Linux Kernel Development" by Robert Love. I
> haven't finished it yet, but so far I would give it great reviews.
> It has a very simple style and is easy to understand. The book solely
> covers the 2.6 kernel and explains where it differentiates from the
> earlier kernels. Chapter 3 is dedicated to Scheduling and will
> give you all the information you need as far as how the 2.6 kernel
> does scheduling. For the 2.4 kernel there is plenty of documentation
> available on that already.
> -
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