Drivers *dropped* between releases? (sis5513.c)
From: Roland Mas
Date: Fri Apr 02 2004 - 15:38:16 EST
Just got myself a new El Cheapo PC, motherboard is an "ASRock K7S8X".
IDE chipset is SiS746FX. Tried installing Debian (latest beta3 of the
installer, based on kernel 2.4.25) on it, but I couldn't: the IDE
detection code would load the sis5513 module, then sort of hand for
various amounts of time (during which the loggers complained about
"hda: lost interrupt" and "hdc: lost interrupt"). Eventually, a
timeout would be reached, but the hard drive (hda) woud still not be
usable, and the CD-ROM drive (hdc) wouldn't be usable anymore (after
having been used as a source for loading the modules).
I've looked around a bit, and it seems that sis5513.c has seen a
change between 2.4.21 and 2.4.22 removing support for the SiS746
chipset. Well, removing lines mentionint it, at least, but I'm not
enough of a guru to see what it should change.
So I'm wondering, is this a mistake from my part (which I'll do my
best to solve), from the debian-installer (in which case I'll report
it to them), or has this support really been dropped, in which case
could it please be re-enabled?
Thanks for any hint,
Roland Mas
C'est dans la boue la plus nauséeuse que plongent les racines de
l'étincelante fleur de lotus. -- in Sri Raoul le petit yogi (Gaudelette)
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