Re: Drivers *dropped* between releases? (sis5513.c)
From: Lionel Bouton
Date: Fri Apr 02 2004 - 17:42:04 EST
Roland Mas wrote the following on 04/02/04 22:37 :
Just got myself a new El Cheapo PC, motherboard is an "ASRock K7S8X".
IDE chipset is SiS746FX. Tried installing Debian (latest beta3 of the
installer, based on kernel 2.4.25) on it, but I couldn't: the IDE
detection code would load the sis5513 module,
then sort of hand for
various amounts of time (during which the loggers complained about
"hda: lost interrupt" and "hdc: lost interrupt"). Eventually, a
timeout would be reached, but the hard drive (hda) woud still not be
usable, and the CD-ROM drive (hdc) wouldn't be usable anymore (after
having been used as a source for loading the modules).
Less good.
I've looked around a bit, and it seems that sis5513.c has seen a
change between 2.4.21 and 2.4.22 removing support for the SiS746
chipset. Well, removing lines mentionint it, at least, but I'm not
enough of a guru to see what it should change.
The driver uses 2 ways of finding SiS Ide chips :
- by northbridge PCI ids, which is what was always used historically
(and so you had to manually add each known SiS northbridge to a table),
- by probing the controller directly (avoids depending on a lazy coder
to add entries in a table to make your chip work).
When the last was added, some PCI ids were removed from the table (being
The very fact that the sis5513.c outputs something in your log means
that it has found something to handle, so the detection routine
(whichever it is) works.
I think there's a common problem with SiS chips : interrupt handling. I
believe it is the source of your problem. I may find time to hack on this.
You could try to remove PCI cards and/or disable VGA IRQ in the bios. On
one of my SiS-based systems for example adding a PCI card can make it
Lionel Bouton - inet6
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