Re: Drivers *dropped* between releases? (sis5513.c)
From: Roland Mas
Date: Sat Apr 03 2004 - 03:22:03 EST
Lionel Bouton, 2004-04-03 00:50:09 +0200 :
> The driver uses 2 ways of finding SiS Ide chips :
> - by northbridge PCI ids, which is what was always used historically
> (and so you had to manually add each known SiS northbridge to a table),
> - by probing the controller directly (avoids depending on a lazy coder
> to add entries in a table to make your chip work).
> When the last was added, some PCI ids were removed from the table
> (being superfluous).
> The very fact that the sis5513.c outputs something in your log means
> that it has found something to handle, so the detection routine
> (whichever it is) works.
Indeed. The logs do show the type and brand of both the hard disk
drive and the CD-ROM drive. It's just that, uh, well, the kernel
doesn't want to do anything with them afterwards...
> I think there's a common problem with SiS chips : interrupt
> handling. I believe it is the source of your problem. I may find
> time to hack on this.
Thanks already :-)
> You could try to remove PCI cards and/or disable VGA IRQ in the
> bios. On one of my SiS-based systems for example adding a PCI card
> can make it unbootable.
Hm. There's only one PCI card (Radeon 7000), and I'm not sure I can
boot without it, as there's no on-board VGA controller. I'll try the
BIOS hack though.
More relevant info (maybe): I got an old version of the Debian
installer, which uses an older kernel, and the process goes on
normally (well, it halts later because the built-in NIC has a stupid
MAC address, but that's another problem).
Thanks for the tips, I'll see how it goes.
Roland Mas
Food, shelter, source code.
-- Cyclic Software
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