Re: why swap at all?

From: Tim Connors
Date: Tue Jun 01 2004 - 22:54:36 EST

Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx said on Tue, 01 Jun 2004 15:02:48 -0400:
> --==_Exmh_482188856P
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:36:23 +0200, FabF said:
> > I guess we have a design problem right here.We could add per-process
> > swappiness attribute.That swap thread becomes boring coz we're looking
> > globally what's going wrong locally.
> Hmm.. do we need to worry about the same DoS issues we need to worry about with
> mlock and friends? I know I can trust myself to not do stupid things to said
> flags on my laptop (well... not twice anyhow ;). On the other hand, I have
> systems with clueless users, and the even more dangerous half-clued users. And
> then I have a bunch of machines in our security lab, where Bad Things happen
> all the time...

I do often get frustrated that the DoS card is brought up to kill a
potentially useful solution. I think there should be a flag in KConfig
saying "This machine will be a server"/"This machine will be mostly a
single user desktop machine". In the latter, you can enable all these
vm/etc heuristics that will help out mozilla/X/your favourite
bloat-ware, but potentially enable a DoS attack, and in the former,
you stay conservative.

I can't rememeber the situation that I was last annoyed by someone
saying "but what about a DoS?"...

TimC --
Entropy requires no maintenance.
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