Re: why swap at all?

From: Valdis . Kletnieks
Date: Wed Jun 02 2004 - 12:47:19 EST

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 13:50:42 +1000, Tim Connors said:

> I do often get frustrated that the DoS card is brought up to kill a
> potentially useful solution. I think there should be a flag in KConfig
> saying "This machine will be a server"/"This machine will be mostly a
> single user desktop machine". In the latter, you can enable all these
> vm/etc heuristics that will help out mozilla/X/your favourite
> bloat-ware, but potentially enable a DoS attack, and in the former,
> you stay conservative.

And with that, you've worried about whether it's a potential DoS or
not. I didn't bring it up to "kill" it - I brought it up to start a discussion,
because I felt that including that sort of feature without at least thinking
about the DoS issues was a bad idea. Shipping it with a Kconfig or
sysctl flag, or using the capabilities framework, or any other similar
"allow the sysadmin to control it" feature is a different matter entirely...

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