Re: 2.6.8 (or 7?) regression: sleep on older tibooks broken

From: David N. Welton
Date: Mon Aug 16 2004 - 11:12:17 EST

Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> > I made the video driver's sleep routing return 0 immediately.

> > That was enough to at least get a couple of reports from xmon
> > about a vector 200 corresponding to an address in
> > powerbook_sleep_Core99... Still investigating, but this is new
> > territory for me, and it's certainly at a tricky moment in the
> > life of the kernel. Suggestions appreciated as to what might have
> > changed and what to look for.

> Ouch, that's pretty bad. 200 is a machine check, looks like the HW
> shoked which shouldn't happen there.

Ok, I'll try that. Piddling around myself, I was tracing the crash to
on or around this code (via-pmu.c:2550):

/* Save & disable L2 and L3 caches*/
// save_l3cr = _get_L3CR(); /* (returns -1 if not available) */
// save_l2cr = _get_L2CR(); /* (returns -1 if not available) */
/* if (save_l3cr != 0xffffffff && (save_l3cr & L3CR_L3E) != 0)
_set_L3CR(save_l3cr & 0x7fffffff); */
/* if (save_l2cr != 0xffffffff && (save_l2cr & L2CR_L2E) != 0)
_set_L2CR(save_l2cr & 0x7fffffff); */

commenting it out lets things go to sleep, although they don't seem to
wake up again.

> Can you get me the actual xmon output and eventually backtrace ?
> (you can disable the adb sleep code to get the kbd working in xmon)

that would be adb_notify_sleep? ... yes, that seems to work ...

Managed to catch this:

Oops: machine check, sig: 7 [#1]
NIP: C025C5D8 LR: C025C768 SP: CD121E50 REGS: cd121da0 TRAP: 0200 Not tainted
MSR: 02043420 EE: 0 PR: 0 FP: 1 ME: 1 IR/DR: 10
TASK = cf4b0660[886] 'pmud' THREAD: cd120000Last syscall: 54
GPR00: FFFFFFFF CD121E50 CF4B0660 39200000 00400000 00000000 FFFFFF10 02003032
GPR08: 8014C0AC C025C768 00000004 00000000 88044428 1001E214 10010000 10000000
GPR16: 10000000 10000000 10000000 7FFFFD48 10000000 00000001 46FFFFFF 00000000
GPR24: FFFFFFFF 00000000 CD121E60 00000000 B9000000 20004200 FFFFFFE7 C0260000
NIP [c025c5d8] 0xc025c5d8
LR [c025c768] 0xc025c768
Call trace:
[c025cf34] 0xc025cf34
[c006e0e0] sys_ioctl+0xdc/0x2f4
[c0005f40] ret_from_syscall+0x0/0x44

So it's just getting the ioctcl and going into sleep_Core99.

The instructions around C025C5D8 look like:

c025c584: 48 00 9c 8d bl c0266210 <pmu_request>
c025c588: 7f 43 d3 78 mr r3,r26
c025c58c: 48 00 9e 51 bl c02663dc <pmu_wait_complete>
c025c590: 4b db 0e e1 bl c000d470 <_get_L3CR>
c025c594: 7c 7b 1b 78 mr r27,r3
c025c598: 7c 78 18 f8 not r24,r3
c025c59c: 57 77 0f fe rlwinm r23,r27,1,31,31
c025c5a0: 4b db 0d d1 bl c000d370 <_get_L2CR>
c025c5a4: 31 38 ff ff addic r9,r24,-1
c025c5a8: 7c 09 c1 10 subfe r0,r9,r24
c025c5ac: 7c 7c 1b 78 mr r28,r3
c025c5b0: 7c 09 b8 39 and. r9,r0,r23
c025c5b4: 40 82 01 b8 bne- c025c76c <powerbook_sleep_Core99+0x298>
c025c5b8: 7f 96 e0 f8 not r22,r28
c025c5bc: 57 95 0f fe rlwinm r21,r28,1,31,31
c025c5c0: 31 36 ff ff addic r9,r22,-1
c025c5c4: 7c 09 b1 10 subfe r0,r9,r22
c025c5c8: 7c 09 a8 39 and. r9,r0,r21
c025c5cc: 40 82 01 94 bne- c025c760 <powerbook_sleep_Core99+0x28c>
c025c5d0: 3f e0 c0 26 lis r31,-16346
c025c5d4: 80 1f 78 c4 lwz r0,30916(r31)
c025c5d8: 2c 00 00 00 cmpwi r0,0
c025c5dc: 41 82 01 54 beq- c025c730 <powerbook_sleep_Core99+0x25c>
c025c5e0: 3f 20 c0 27 lis r25,-16345
c025c5e4: 4b ff f8 91 bl c025be74 <save_via_state>
c025c5e8: 39 39 93 54 addi r9,r25,-27820
c025c5ec: 80 09 00 94 lwz r0,148(r9)
c025c5f0: 2c 00 00 00 cmpwi r0,0
c025c5f4: 40 82 01 1c bne- c025c710 <powerbook_sleep_Core99+0x23c>
c025c5f8: 80 1f 78 c4 lwz r0,30916(r31)
c025c5fc: 2c 00 00 00 cmpwi r0,0
c025c600: 41 82 01 08 beq- c025c708 <powerbook_sleep_Core99+0x234>
c025c604: 3f c0 01 21 lis r30,289
c025c608: 3b e0 13 87 li r31,4999
c025c60c: 3f a0 c0 23 lis r29,-16349
c025c610: 63 de ea c0 ori r30,r30,60096

I don't have too many ideas. If it's useful, I suppose I can try
backing of to 2.6.7 to see if it suffers from the same problem...

David N. Welton
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