Re: [patch] sched: auto-tune migration costs [was: Re: Industry dbbenchmark result on recent 2.6 kernels]

From: Paul Jackson
Date: Sun Apr 03 2005 - 18:12:05 EST

Ingo wrote:
> if you create a sched-domains hierarchy (based on the SLIT tables, or in
> whatever other way) that matches the CPU hierarchy then you'll
> automatically get the proper distances detected.

Yes - agreed. I should push in the direction of improving the
SN2 sched domain hierarchy.

Would be a good idea to rename 'cpu_distance()' to something more
specific, like 'cpu_dist_ndx()', and reserve the generic name
'cpu_distance()' for later use to return a scaled integer distance,
rather like 'node_distance()' does now. For example, 'cpu_distance()'
might, someday, return integer values such as:

40 217 252 253

as are displayed (in tenths) in the debug line:

cacheflush times [4]: 4.0 (4080540) 21.7 (21781380) 25.2 (25259428) 25.3 (25372682)

(that is, the integer (long)cost / 100000 - one less zero).

I don't know that we have any use, yet, for this 'cpu_distance()' as a
scaled integer value. But I'd be more comfortable reserving that name
for that purpose.

I won't rest till it's the best ...
Programmer, Linux Scalability
Paul Jackson <pj@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 1.650.933.1373, 1.925.600.0401
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