I think what the IETF NFS working group rather needs right now is anI agree.
advocate that is willing to stand up and demonstrate why protocol
support for inotify-style callbacks would be a more scalable solution
than a solution based on a combination of GETATTR polling and read
delegations (essentially the same thing as CIFS' op-locks) for
The current research (seeVery interesting, I had not seen that. FYI - There are many years of real world experience on the current transact2 notify (it is deployed in some form on most clients) but I don't know whether one of the NAS storage companies or researchers has done a good research paper on this topic - although there is no lack of customer traces in SPEC and SNIA.
http://www3.ietf.org/proceedings/05mar/slides/nfsv4-4/sld1.htm) which
has uses real-life on-the-wire traffic actually leans more towards the
GETATTR solution. That research was based on a set of anonymous tcpdump
traces taken at Harvard University, though, so it reflects the traffic
in a typical university environment. It may be that other use-cases
exist that favour the inotify callbacks case.