Re: [PATCH] local_irq_disable removal
From: Karim Yaghmour
Date: Sun Jun 12 2005 - 00:06:55 EST
Daniel Walker wrote:
> My reasoning is that Linux doesn't run in ring 0 . That to me makes linux
> and ADEOS two different entities. That's my way of looking at it.
> I haven't looked at the code, I would like to . I have read about
> the ADEOS implementation .
ok, now that I've got the attention of anyone reading this post,
here goes:
The paper entitled "Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating
Systems", which I published in February 2001 presents a design
*PLAN*. The actual implementation is based on this paper, but
differs *SIGNIFICANTLY* from it. Hence, read the paper to
understand how the ipipe works *ONLY*. All this stuff about
ring 0 / ring 1 was *NEVER* implemented.
To understand what's in the current *PATCH*, please read this
Here's the relevant passage:
> The complete Adeos approach has been thoroughly documented in a whitepaper
> published more than a year ago entitled "Adaptive Domain Environment
> for Operating Systems" and available here:
> The current implementation is slightly different. Mainly, we do not
> implement the functionality to move Linux out of ring 0. Although of
> interest, this approach is not very portable.
> Instead, our patch taps right into Linux's main source of control
> over the hardware, the interrupt dispatching code, and inserts an
> interrupt pipeline which can then serve all the nanokernel's clients,
> including Linux.
Again, Adeos does not play *ANY* ring tricks. It just hooks
onto the kernel's *EXISTING* cli/sti/int-delivery mechanisms
using a *PATCH*.
Hope this helps dissipate some misconceptions about what Adeos
is *TODAY*.
P.S.: Sorry Daniel, none of the above emphasis is directed
personally towards you. I just know from talking to quite a
few people that my original paper *CONTINUES* to *MISLEAD*
people about what Adeos currently is. So I just thought I'd
make it clear at this point for those interested.
Author, Speaker, Developer, Consultant
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