Re: [PATCH 1/19] MUTEX: Introduce simple mutex implementation
From: Dick Streefland
Date: Thu Dec 15 2005 - 12:23:20 EST
Erik Mouw <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
| Just FYI, according to Dijkstra[1] V means "verhoog" which is dutch for
| "increase". P means "prolaag" which isn't a dutch word, just something
| Dijkstra invented. I guess he did that because "decrease" is "verlaag"
| in dutch and that would give you the confusing V() and V()
| operations...
| Other explanations you see in dutch CS courses are "passeer" (pass),
| "probeer" (try), "vrijgave" (unlock).
As far as I can remember, P() stands for "pakken" (grab) and V()
stands for "vrijgeven" (release).
Dick Streefland //// Altium BV
dick.streefland@xxxxxxxxx (@ @)
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