Re: blatant GPL violation of ext2 and reiserfs filesystem drivers
From: Jeff V. Merkey
Date: Wed Jan 04 2006 - 18:09:21 EST
Well then. I guess everyone can hurl harsh language at them like a
school of guppies gumming
them to death or something. It's pointless to hurl around GPL violation
whining -- they dont care --
people here dont really care -- and unless someone has an attorney in
their pocket, it will go
absolutely nowhere.
Gene Heskett wrote:
On Wednesday 04 January 2006 08:46, Matthew Wilcox wrote:
Not only that, but if the filename is removed from the above link, the
resultant is a blank screen & no error reported. This contributes to
my assumption that they have no intention of honoring the gpl.
Sic 'em.
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