Re: RFC [patch 13/34] PID Virtualization Define new task_pid api
From: Kirill Korotaev
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 15:33:26 EST
There are two issues here.
1) Monitoring. (ps, top etc)
2) Control (kill).
For monitoring you might need to patch ps/top a little but it is doable without
2 pids.
For kill it is extremely rude to kill processes inside of a nested pid space.
There are other solutions to the problem.
Can you elaborate? If I have 10 containers with 1000 processes each,
it would be nice to be able to run top then kill 40 top cpu hogs....
This is exactly the reason why we allow host system to see all the
Otherwise monitoring tools should be fixed for it, which doesn't look
good and top/ps/kill are not the only tools in the world.
Without such functionality you can't understand whether you machine is
underloaded or overloaded.
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