Re: Which is simpler? (Was Re: [Suspend2-devel] Re: [ 00/10] [Suspend2] Modules support.)
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 19:27:36 EST
> > This point is valid, but I don't think the users will _have_ _to_ switch
> > to the userland suspend. AFAICT we are going to keep the kernel-based
> > code as long as necessary.
> >
> > We are just going to implement features in the user space that need not
> > be implemented in the kernel. Of course they can be implemented in the
> > kernel, and you have shown that clearly, but since they need not be
> > there, we should at least try to implement them in the user space and
> > see how this works.
> >
> > Frankly, I have no strong opinion on whether they _should_ be
> > implemented in the user space or in the kernel, but I think we won't
> > know that until we actually _try_.
> >
> > That said, I like the idea and I'm going to work on it. I'll also
> > appreciate any help very much.
> Wow. I wish Pavel wrote replies like that. We'd get on a whole lot better.
> Pavel, am I doing something wrong that I'm not clicking to, which is
> stirring you up? I really don't want to. I want to work with you guys
> instead of against you, but it seems to me like every attempt at
> interaction with you degenerates into something far less than ideal.
Nothing I could name... I guess I'll just let you cooperate with
Rafael, he can translate ;-).
[Well, perhaps there's one thing. Have you seen Al Viro's mails? He
tends to use quite a strong language. I guess asking you to talk like
him is too much to ask (but it would probably help ;-), but notice
that my and his native languages have quite a lot in common. Perhaps
I'm doing poor job translating into English at higher level...]
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