Re: Which is simpler? (Was Re: [Suspend2-devel] Re: [ 00/10][Suspend2] Modules support.)

From: Bojan Smojver
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 19:30:15 EST

Quoting "Rafael J. Wysocki" <rjw@xxxxxxx>:

This point is valid, but I don't think the users will _have_ _to_ switch to the
userland suspend. AFAICT we are going to keep the kernel-based code
as long as necessary.

Yep, that's what I thought too. Read on...

We are just going to implement features in the user space that need not be
implemented in the kernel. Of course they can be implemented in the
kernel, and you have shown that clearly, but since they need not be there,
we should at least try to implement them in the user space and see how this

Well, given that the kernel suspend is going to be kept for a while, wouldn't it be better if it was feature full? How would the users be at a disadvantage if they had better kernel based suspend for a while, followed by u-beaut-cooks-cleans-and-washes uswsusp? That's the part I don't get...

So, to be direct, let me ask:

Why is it so important to keep an inferior implementation of kernel based suspend, when a better one and field tested, exists?

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