On Sat, 20 May 2006, "Döhr, Markus ICC-H" wrote:
Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 02:57:55 +0200
From: "\"Döhr, Markus ICC-H\"" <Markus.Doehr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Did you actually do that? Starting Firefox over a 6 Mbit VPN takes about 3
minutes on a FAST machine. That´s not acceptable - our users want (almost)
immediate response to an application, to clicking and waiting 10 seconds
until the app is doing something.
this is due to the latency, not the speed (X by default requires many round-trips to startup). There is an extention that greatly reduces the number of round-trips nessasary, I'm willing to bet this will make a huge difference for your startup. Unfortunantly I don't remember what this is.