Re: attempting to open a VT from elsewhere and take raw keyboard input

From: Shawn Rutledge
Date: Wed Jul 18 2007 - 01:01:42 EST

Yes I know that X does it; I'm trying to write a new windowing system
which also does that, and the question is how they did it. I would
have expected if I just open /dev/tty1, set raw mode, and set some
termios flags I'd get every key press and release; and it would be my
choice whether to use blocking or non-blocking I/O.

On 7/17/07, Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Jul 17 2007 01:51, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
> I'm messing around with framebuffer graphics stuff and trying to write
> a keyboard driver similar to the one in X, which will allow you to
> start up the graphics system from any tty (not just a virtual
> console),

right, I can start X these days over SSH (either init5 or startx)

> find an available VT, switch to that VT,

X does that automatically ('regular' X, not considering Xdmcp or such)

> and then take input from the physically attached keyboard rather
> than necessarily

X does that too.
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