Re: [PATCH] fs: Add romfs version 2
From: Tim Bird
Date: Wed Jul 18 2007 - 12:58:21 EST
Lindsay Roberts wrote:
> Yes, my experience has been that it has been almost chillingly close
> to .5k per regular file increase in partition size. I know in
> applications in which size is utterly critical this may be slightly
> unattractive, but in cases where romfs is chosen for its byte
> reproducibility and read-only nature the size/performance tradeoff is
> fairly advantageous.
The size increase makes this a complete non-starter in the
embedded configs I'm familiar with. Size is still the number
one problem using Linux in consumer electronics products.
I have nothing against this patch, if it achieve some speedups
for other environments. But I wouldn't expect to see this
option used much in embedded devices.
-- Tim
Tim Bird
Architecture Group Chair, CE Linux Forum
Senior Staff Engineer, Sony Corporation of America
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