On Sun, 22 Jul 2007, Jon Smirl wrote:
> It would really be useful if git diff had an option for suppressing
> diffs caused by CVS keyword expansion.
I really think it's not a "git diff" issue, but it might be a "import"
IOW, I think you'd be a *lot* better off just not importing those things
in the first place (which is what CVS does internally), or possibly
importing them as two trees (ie you'd have the "non-log" version and the
"log expansion" version, so that you can track and compare both).
Doing the thing at "diff" time is certainly possible, but this is simply
much better done as a totally independent preprocessing phase. The diff
handling is already some of the more complex parts (and very central), it
would be much simpler and efficient to not try to make that thing fancier,
and instead solve the problem at the front-end.