Bart Van Assche wrote:- It has been discussed which iSCSI target implementation should be in
the mainstream Linux kernel. There is no agreement on this subject
yet. The short-term options are as follows:
1) Do not integrate any new iSCSI target implementation in the
mainstream Linux kernel.
2) Add one of the existing in-kernel iSCSI target implementations to
the kernel, e.g. SCST or PyX/LIO.
3) Create a new in-kernel iSCSI target implementation that combines
the advantages of the existing iSCSI kernel target implementations
As an iSCSI user, I prefer option (3). The big question is whether the
various storage target authors agree with this ?
I tend to agree with some important notes:
1. IET should be excluded from this list, iSCSI-SCST is IET updated for SCST framework with a lot of bugfixes and improvements.
2. I think, everybody will agree that Linux iSCSI target should work over some standard SCSI target framework. Hence the choice gets narrower: SCST vs STGT. I don't think there's a way for a dedicated iSCSI target (i.e. PyX/LIO) in the mainline, because of a lot of code duplication. Nicholas could decide to move to either existing framework (although, frankly, I don't think there's a possibility for in-kernel iSCSI target and user space SCSI target framework) and if he decide to go with SCST, I'll be glad to offer my help and support and wouldn't care if LIO-SCST eventually replaced iSCSI-SCST. The better one should win.