Re: [PATCH 1/1] Speedfreq-SMI call clobbers ECX
From: Stephan Diestelhorst
Date: Wed Mar 12 2008 - 11:05:28 EST
Ingo Molnar wrote:
> I've applied your patch to x86.git.
Many thanks!
> Do you think it's 2.6.25 material? I'm inclined to have it in
> the 2.6.26 bucket. We could do your first, minimal fix in 2.6.25 and do
> this second, full fix in 2.6.26.
I am not familiar with the policies regarding the time-frame for
inclusion. So I guess the decision is up to you. I feel that the
changes are fairly small (at least for the first patch) so perhaps
splitting the release as you suggested allows people to get more
confidence in the larger patches with the clobbers and manual ebp
Doing this one step after the other has the additional benefit of
havinga fix for the core problem in fairly soon, so I can continue
using prebuilt distro kernels again, soon. :-) ( I know. I'm just lazy
sometimes. )
Apart from that: Feel free to do as you like, after all this code is
Kind regards,
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