Re: [PATCH] intel_ips: quieten "power or thermal limit exceeded"messages

From: Cesar Eduardo Barros
Date: Thu Aug 26 2010 - 20:22:51 EST

Em 26-08-2010 21:18, Alan Cox escreveu:
On Thu, 26 Aug 2010 20:29:01 -0300
Cesar Eduardo Barros<cesarb@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On my Dell Inspiron N4010, one of these messages is printed every five
seconds. Change both to dev_dbg to quieten them even more.

It's not the kind of thing you want to quieten since in most cases it is
stuff you want to know about.

Isn't it a normal thing, however? If I understand it correctly, this driver allows you to use a bit more power but throttles back if you are using too much or it gets too hot. Thus, there should be nothing wrong or even unusual with the situations where these messages appear.

if (ret)
- dev_info(&ips->dev->dev,
+ dev_dbg(&ips->dev->dev,
"MCP power or thermal limit exceeded\n");

Probably better to ratelimit it. Being told it occurs is important, being
told every five seconds is indeed excessive.

Agreed. Even if it does not happen when idle, it should happen a lot while playing a CPU-heavy and GPU-heavy 3D game.

Cesar Eduardo Barros
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