Re: [PATCH] intel_ips: quieten "power or thermal limit exceeded"messages

From: Cesar Eduardo Barros
Date: Mon Aug 30 2010 - 17:43:10 EST

Em 30-08-2010 13:29, Jesse Barnes escreveu:
It's possible that the main issue here is bad thermal limits. There's
obviously a relationship between power and thermal output, but the
driver tries to monitor both. However it's up to the BIOS to provide
the driver with accurate thermal limits, as well as accurate power
limits. The power limits sound reasonable at 25W, thus the
informational output about 35W vs 25W (35W is what the MCP can handle,
but some platforms are designed to handle less, so they clamp it down a
bit). But the temp limits look all wrong. I'll see if I can find info
on getting better data into the driver...

If you need more information from this laptop (dmidecode, ACPI AML, etc), just ask.

Cesar Eduardo Barros
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