Re: [PATCH 0/24] Introduce ff-memless-next as an improved replacement for ff-memless

From: Elias Vanderstuyft
Date: Mon Apr 21 2014 - 07:25:18 EST

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 12:29 AM, <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Did the WiiWheel have working FF_CONSTANT before this patchset?
>> It would be weird if yes, because lg4ff is also used for MOMO-Black
>> which works fine.
> Yes, I think that the force requested by fftest was just too weak to
> actually move the wheel. ffcfstress (or whatever it is called) works OK.

Ah, nice to hear.

I had some additional questions that might benefit to the porting of
the lgff and sony driver, concerning the optimal value for
FF_UPDATE_RATE (at the moment it defaults to a safe 50ms):
- Could you try to sniff FF command USB traffic with the Windows
driver of the WingMan Force, just to learn what the update interval is
when playing a ConstantForce effect with an envelope (I'm only
interested in the envelope part)?
- If official/decent Windows drivers are present for one of the Sony
controllers you have, can you please do the same, but now when playing
a vibration effect (using XInput)?

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