Re: [PATCH v5 0/4] HID: lenovo: Add support for Lenovo Compact Keyboard
From: Jamie Lentin
Date: Sat Jul 26 2014 - 06:09:58 EST
On Fri, 25 Jul 2014, Antonio Ospite wrote:
On Wed, 23 Jul 2014 23:30:44 +0100
Jamie Lentin <jm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This patchset follows on from my previous attempts to add support for
these keyboards from Lenovo.
Antonio, I've used cptkbd_data and left data_pointer for now. It'd be
an easy patch to change data_pointer to tpkbd_data, but is drifting
away from what this patchset is supposed to do. Could send that
afterwards though.
Sure, no problem. I think we are good to go.
BTW I was considering picking up one of such compact keyboards myself,
but I read that the BT one uses the USB cable only for charging
and it does not show as a USB HID device when plugged in, can you
confirm that?
Yes, nothing happens over USB other than charging. It's slightly
irritating since I have to keep something else to hand for booting, or try
and get a dongle that goes into a HID proxy mode.
That said, I quite like it as a keyboard and happily use it for working
all day. Interestingly the bluetooth version is nicer to type on than the
USB version, even though they look physically identical. This could be
they came from different batches rather than using better keys for the
Bluetooth version.
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