Re: [PATCH 1/1] drivers: staging: rtl8192u: ieee80211: ieee80211_softmac.c: auth parse error code byte order fix

From: Dan Carpenter
Date: Mon May 25 2015 - 12:31:53 EST

Good advice. This was actually found by Sparse and the changelog should

Sparse complains about this:

ieee80211_softmac.c:1561:16: warning: cast from restricted __le16
ieee80211_softmac.c:1561:16: warning: incorrect type in return expression (different base types)
ieee80211_softmac.c:1561:16: expected unsigned short
ieee80211_softmac.c:1561:16: got restricted __le16 [usertype] <noident>

The caller basically only cares about zero and non-zero so it doesn't
affect runtime (except for making an debug message more accurate).

dan carpenter
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