On Thu, 2017-09-07 at 06:40 -0700, Guenter Roeck wrote:
On 09/06/2017 04:32 PM, Andrew Jeffery wrote:
Guess I need to dig up my eval board and see if I can reproduce the problem.
Seems you are saying that the problem is always seen when issuing a sequence
of "clear faults" commands on multiple pages ?
Yeah. We're also seeing bad behaviour under other command sequences as well,
which lead to this hack of a work-around patch[1].
I'd be very interested in the results of testing against the eval board. I
don't have access to one and it seems Maxim have discontinued them.
Do you have a somewhat reliable means to reproduce the problem ?
It seems we hit a bunch of problems by just continually
binding/unbinding the driver, if you don't apply that hacky oneshot
retry patch. We can hit problems (in our design?) with something like:
# cd /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/max31785; \
echo $addr > unbind; \
while echo $addr > bind; \
do echo $addr > unbind; echo -n .; done;
It should hit issues covered by this patch, as the register checks are
used in the operations used by probe.