Re: [PATCH 2/4] tpm: delete the TPM_TIS_CLK_ENABLE flag

From: Javier Martinez Canillas
Date: Wed Dec 20 2017 - 13:26:10 EST

On 12/20/2017 07:10 PM, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 03:19:19PM +0000, Shaikh, Azhar wrote:
>>> This flag is only used to warn if CLKRUN_EN wasn't disabled on Braswell
>>> systems, but the only way this can happen is if the code is not correct.
>>> So it's an unnecessary check that just makes the code harder to read.
>> This code was implemented as a suggestion from Jason on the previous patches.
> The concept was to be like ASSERT_RTNL, maybe it just needs a suitably
> named static inline to addrress Javier's readability concerns?

I really think is not worth it and pollutes all the tpm_tcg_{read,write}
functions with those is_bsw() and flags checks. Your example is different
since is a core API used by in lot of places in the kernel, but it's not
the case here.

But I don't have a strong opinion either, it was Jarkko who questioned
the value of the flag so I can drop this patch too if you disagree with
the change. I'm mostly interested in PATCH 4/4 that's the actual fix.

> Jason

Best regards,
Javier Martinez Canillas
Software Engineer - Desktop Hardware Enablement
Red Hat